Training Log

03.29.20 training log

Well hey, the initial pandemic-related panic has dulled slightly, allowing for if not exactly a return to normal training (still no climbing, no skiing), at least some of my typical focus and devotion for movement has come back. It better, because I’m hoovering homemade cookies faster than the newest Dyson vacuum.

Also the devious runner that lurks in my soul realized there is a way to turn this lemon storm into lemonade – maybe this means that 2020 is the year I can become a really, really good runner and run a lot of miles and move up to the more intense marathon training plan I had sort of decided was too ambitious…or IS IT???

image: Kori Barnum
[note the airplane tray table…those were the days. Remember?)

M – 4 easy road miles, 10:25 minute mile pace. Out and back along the Deschutes River Path from Westside Pharmacy, where I waited in the drive-thru line for 30 minutes to get my migraine medication because I don’t want to be without that anytime soon.

T – 30 minutes of mobility work using Nike Training Club app (the free version has a lot of workout options of varying length and intensities, and generally well-cued – it also looks like the Premium version is being offered for free at the moment)

W – 7 mile SOS workout, with 6 miles at marathon pace (8:45 minute mile): 8:47, 8:42, 8:45, 8:46, 8:50, 8:42 = 8:46 average pace

Th – 5 easy trail miles, 10:06 minute mile pace

F – 80 minute hike through Shevlin Park with Meagan, which involved a lot of shouting in order to converse while staying far apart from each other. Good thing we both have voices that carry.

Sa – 9 easy trail miles, 11:01 minute mile pace. Through Shevlin again – can’t get enough of the ridge loop and SO GRATEFUL this trail system is basically in my back yard. I am living my dream, and now more than ever I want to kiss the dirt beneath my feet in gratitude.

Glut and core strength work at home.

Su – 5 mile road SOS general aerobic workout; 10 x 100m repeats at 5:30 minute mile pace (THIS IS REALLY FAST FOR ME!!!) + 10 x 10 second hill repeats.

Total mileage: 30

Meditated 7 out of 7 days…Using Corona Virus specific meditations provided by the 10% Happier app.