Training Log

05.10.20 training log

So this was a recovery week – low mileage, at any decision point the choice was “chill”. I’ve got 4 weeks left of “pre-training” before the “actual training” starts on June 8 for the Chicago Marathon. That adds up to two training weeks that will be pretty typical, and then two weeks of pretty low miles to get as rested as possible before I head into the 18 week training cycle.

M, W, F, Su – REST, baby, yeah.

Tu – 4 easy treadmill miles, ~10:10 pace with 1% incline. Watched some of the virtual Trail Mountain Running Film Festival. Remember when you could just shove your sweaty mitt into a bowl of M&Ms at an aid station without a care in the world? I do 🙁

Th – 5 mile easy road run, 10:24 mile pace.

Sa – 12 mile trail run with my beloved. Super easy pace, watched the miles but not the speed. Funny story – even with both of us paying attention and running on a trail system (Phil’s) that Dan has biked before, we still managed to miss a junction on the way back and added a few extra miles. Gorgeous day, close to home, no problem – but a good reminder as always that you need to vigilant in the wild.

Total run miles: 21

Meditated 7 out of 7 days