Training Log

07.20.20 – 09.06.20 training log

Three Sisters from Broken Hand (image: Kori Barnum)

It’s been a really, really odd summer. For all of us, I imagine. Dealing with my first persistent injury in 11 years, trying to train sensibly (keep moving, move enough, don’t move too much)…it’s been a challenge. The focus the last several weeks has been on getting healing time outside, hiking with some running when it felt good, working on my PT strength exercises.

Almost Heaven, Eastern Oregon (image: Kori Barnum)

Work has been really busy, demanding from both a time and an emotional standpoint. It has sometimes felt like another form of training, trying to work hard but also leave that energy at work so I can be fully at home, so that I can rest and heal and recover. Even with mindfulness training, this separation hasn’t always been successful and Dan has had to shoulder my fatigue and sadness. Combined with my jittery, anxious, not-very-patient handling of the inability to run long distances has not put me in the running for spouse of the year. Good thing that man is patient.

Summit of South Sister (image: Kori Barnum)