Book and Product Reviews

you had me at shoes

image: Kori Barnum

With many of our events canceled and indoor workout facilities closed, I am finding renewed gratitude for the accessibility and simplicity of running during these turbulent times. Here are my absolute favorite shoes for trail and road running, and also recovery sandals (this is a thing, and once you have a pair, you will never go back).

If you can support your local running shop, particularly now, they are always a great place to buy and to get recommendations. In Bend we have , where I have consistently found a friendly and knowledgeable staff to assist me. If you’re looking to order online, I have often found deals (particularly on older models) on Backcountry, Zappos, and Amazon.

Note: women’s models are shown here, but all of these come in men’s versions too.Offset” is the difference in millimeters between the shoe height at the heel area and the height at the toe area; a traditional/common offset is around 12mm. Generally a lower offset is associated with a forefoot or midfoot strike (rather than a heel strike), which is consistent with a minimalist running style.

I have only one true [shoe] love: Nike’s Air Zoom Terra Kiger. I’ve always run some trail, but I started to really focus on trail mileage around 2006. At that time I just wore my road shoes, but the market and selection for trail shoes really expanded in the 2010s. My first pair of specifically-for-trail shoes were Brooks Pure Grit, and they were a great pair of shoes. And then a clerk at Portland Running and Walking Company on SE Grand Ave had me try on a pair of Terra Kigers in 2016. I was skeptical; I’ve been a runner forever, and although I’ve tried Nikes off and on over the years, they never fit right. But sometimes when you meet the right shoe, you just know. The second they were on my feet, they were perfection. And they felt even better on the trail – natural feel so I could sense the terrain under my feet, but enough cushion that rocks didn’t hurt, and super grippy soles (I don’t even wear climbing approach shoes anymore, because I feel so secure in my Terra Kigers while scrambling on rock). They also sport a comfortable toe box that you really appreciate after a few hours on your feet when all your toes resemble Vienna sausages and need more real estate. And they come in the bold, wild, candy colors I remember from the original years of Nike running shoes from the way back of my youth. I tried recently to count how many pairs I’ve had by trying to remember all the colors, and I had to stop around 8 – which I’m not sure is high enough. I usually buy two colors and rotate those shoes (which I’m doing currently), and I usually also have a backup new pair in the closet. Even before the pandemic. Because you can never have too many backup running shoes.

offset: 4mm weight: 8.5oz $130


I must be a serial monogamist, because I’m a one-woman brand for road shoes too – Saucony. I do spice it up a little though, because I prefer one style for “Something of Substance” (SOS) workouts (race pace tempos, speedwork) and a different style for easy runs.

Saucony Kinvara 11: My go-to for SOS workouts. Neutral shoe with the just-the-right-amount of cushion and firmness. I think it speaks a lot to how well designed this shoe is that I, with narrow flat feet and a preference for more minimal shoes, can wear this style happily but so can my wide-footed, high-arched husband. I will say that I don’t love the Model 11 as well as past versions; for some inexplicable reason they made the toe box narrower (and again, I have narrow feet, so that’s saying something) and the cushion isn’t quite as well distributed. That said, it’s like looking at your 98% perfect spouse and complaining. So I’m not complaining, in case that isn’t clear.

offset: 4mm weight: 6.09oz $110
note: this is the Boston 2016 edition (Kinvara 7, which was my preferred model for this shoe)

Saucony Freedom 3: Another gem from Saucony’s neutral line, my go-to for easy road runs and anytime I want to walk around. These are HEAVEN. It’s like having little pillows of joy strapped to each foot. I don’t have great natural running form and I’m stiff, so when I tried these for faster runs they didn’t feel firm enough, but if you have better biomechanics, you may like them for speed workouts too. That said, I can happily run up to 12 miles or so in these without a care in the world as long as I’m at a moderate pace.

offset: 4mm weight: 8.4oz $150


I would recommend the Hoka One One Ora Recovery Slide to anyone. The aesthetic is solidly orthopedic, so you’re not going to win any America’s Next Top Model competition in these bad boys, but your feet will be so happy, you won’t even care. When your feet are covered in blisters and hot spots, these are the shoes to wear. When your feet and ankles are tired from tough workouts, these are the shoes to wear. Mine are two years old and have held up well, which made the high ticket price worth it; they are an investment in my foot/leg recovery.


running secrets nobody tells you – part two

In Part One we talked a little about feelings and general getting-started-with-running facts. Today we’re going to review some technical tips that can improve your runs and reduce your risk for injury. Running is what you were literally made to do, with your efficient bipedal locomotion and your copious perspiration and your scant body hair (it may not feel scant, but compared to other primates and most mammals, we are B-A-L-D bald). You may have taken these magnificent adaptations for granted, but once you start running, you won’t. You’ll be sweating your way to glory.

Tip #1: Dynamic stretching/warm-ups

Back when I started running, my mom and I would head right out the door without any warm-up moves or any walking and start running right away. Needless to say, this was not an ideal way to begin a run, but rather a recipe for injury, side stitches, and developing a profound dislike for running. If I wasn’t such a stubborn person, I would have given up. Also my mom made me do it and I was a kid, so there wasn’t much in the way of options. You can avoid this discomfort and potential for family drama by performing some brief dynamic exercises before your run. Anything that warms up your hips, thighs, and calves will work, including lunges, squats, leg swings, and calf raises. Here’s a quick demo of some good exercises from Runner’s World:

Tip #2: Run/walk method

Probably the most famous proponent of the run/walk method is Jeff Galloway ( There are all kinds of ways to do this, but the simplest is to start with more walking than running and gradually change the ratio until you are always running or mostly running. Unless you find a ratio that just seems like your physiological sweet spot, in which case, embrace that jam. If I’m super sore from other workouts, having seasonal allergy issues, or just feeling worn down, I’ll usually go with a run 4 minutes/walk 1 minute or run 9 minutes/walk 1 minute ratio. The time goes by faster than you think, you’ll be proud you got out there at all, and you won’t be as tired.

Tip #3: Alternating step exhale method

Most of us naturally exhale on the same side foot strike every time; without even realizing it, I ran for 25 years always exhaling on the right side. Bramble and Carrier of the University of Utah concluded that the greatest impact stress occurs when the foot strikes at the beginning of an exhalation. Therefore, if you always exhale while striking on the same side, you are consistently stressing that side of the body more. That was definitely my experience, as I had hip flexor, upper gluteal, and some minor knee issues in my 20s and 30s, all on my right (exhaling side). Learning to retrain your breathing pattern is super awkward at first and may cause you to accidently run into things. I’m saying for a friend. It took me about two weeks to get it down, but once I did, it stuck. And it’s really helped my running respiration in general and my ability to do speedwork and hills. What I’ve found works for me is an inhale 3 steps/exhale 2 steps pattern when running easy, and an inhale 2 steps/exhale 1 step when running hard.

Tip #4: Hills count as speedwork! (ok, this is a well-known fact, but it warrants a mention)

If you’re like me and you have no genetic gifts towards running quickly, you likely dread running quickly. I’m not going to lie to you, no matter what your pace is, your running form and speed will improve if you work hill repeats into regular rotation (even as little as 10 repeats running up a hill for 10 seconds can have an impact). Run your repeats up the hill at a pace that is challenging but sustainable for 10 seconds, focusing on running hard but also relaxed – shoulders down, facial muscles relaxed, torso parallel to the hill.

Tip #5: Smiling improves your running!

A study by Brick et al. in 2017 ( found that smiling improves running economy, decreases perceived effort, and may enhance your performance by providing a cue to your body that you are doing just fine. It also helps to relax your facial muscles and just might bring your neck and upper shoulders along on the chill train. I find this technique really works for me on long runs, up hills, down hills, and ski runs. Where I don’t find it works as well is when I’m doing speed work – it feels crazy awkward and I imagine I look a lot like your average primate fear response face:

image: Reddit

Tip #6: The foam roller, although it seems like a mean girl, is actually your best friend

What the foam roller seems like:

image: WordPress

What the foam roller is really like:

image: WordPress

Here’s a great short article with video demonstrations from Runner’s World ( that explains the major rolling exercises most helpful to runners. The first time you roll your IT band, you may throw up a little. Use the leverage of your arms to control the intensity until it isn’t as painful. Rolling helps break up scar tissue and increases blood flow. It’s worth the time and initial discomfort, and like running itself, becomes less painful the more you do it.

Tip #7: Most of your runs should be easy

A pretty common ratio is ~80% easy running with 20% effort running (tempos, speedwork, hill repeats, etc.). Easy running is NOT junk miles; the time spent at a pace which is just chill and trucking along will improve your body’s ability to use fat for energy, increase your mitochondrial density and capillary development (both of which improve your body’s efficiency at using oxygen), and strengthen your tendons and joints (Humphrey and Hanson, 2012). It will also allow you to get more miles in with a lower risk of injury, and the best way to become better at running is…to run more. See how it works? Remember, your body knows how to do this. Several million years of evolutionary adaptation have honed you into a bipedal endurance machine. Now go out and claim your ancestral running legacy! Yay you!!

Training Log

02.23.20 training log

M – 5 mile SOS* workout lactate threshold treadmill run with 3 miles @ ~8:18 pace (1% incline, 7.2 speed). Urgh. That.Did.Not.Feel.Good. Definitely tired from late travel the night before, not sleeping well, and daylong workshop. The pace felt much harder than it should have for such a short amount of time…let it go, let it go…

15 minutes strengthen work, focus on gluteal and hip strength


W – 5 mile easy road run around the outside of Disneyland with Odessa. Wound up doing some fun and random interval segments trying to cross the ginormous intersections and dodging tourists, strollers, etc.

Cookie Lyon
Image: Wikipedia

Th – 5 mile easy treadmill run, 5.8 speed (~10:15 pace). Catching up on Empire. Will Andre survive his cancer? Will Jamal’s character be written off the show?? Will Cookie and Lucious keep their company and relationship together???

F – 6 mile SOS workout treadmill run with 4 miles at marathon pace (1% incline, 6.8 speed = ~8:45 pace). Now that felt good! Pace felt focused but reasonable. Still not super sure if it’s sustainable for almost four hours, but guess what? Don’t have to answer that question today.

Sa – touchdown at home 11am after a weeklong conference, drop off bags and kiss the kitties, then off to Bachelor to downhill ski. Bluebird skies, mostly great snow with some sneaker (and harrowing) icy spots.

Su – downhill ski at Bachelor. Hello, happy place, and thank you, Coalition Snow Taken For Granite All Mountain Skis

Total run miles: 21

Meditated 7 out of 7 days!

*SOS = Something of Substance. Basically any run with a targeted goal other than an easy run. Includes speed work, tempo runs at marathon pace, and long runs.

Training Log

02.16.20 training log

Recap on February goals:

Running: 10-20 miles per week, with 2 SOS runs per week (“something of substance” in Hanson’s Marathon Method parlance, basically a non-easy run with a specific purpose) []

Skate ski lessons

Resume gym lead climbing

M – 6 mile trail SOS workout: general aerobic w/10x 10 second hill repeats & 10x 100m strides @ 5:45 pace.

Lead climb 5.11- @ [Bend Rock Gym]

T – Skate ski lesson #2! No surprise, of the 10 people in class I appear to be the most aerobically fit and strongest but…am in the bottom 3 for picking up the technique quickly. Sigh. This is why we learn new things, right?! What I do not have in talent and the ability to not overthink things I will make up for with persistence. Skate on!

Two hour alpine skills/drills downhill ski course on Bachelor with Oregon Adaptive Sports – so cool that the OAS organization offers these FREE trainings to their volunteers. Picked up some really constructive drills to help with weight transfer and smoother turns

15 minute core strength session


Th – 4 mile trail easy run 51:29 with my friends who also happen to be my coworkers Dev & Hobbes (they kind of sound like buddies in a cop movie, no?)

Lead climb @ Bend Rock Gym

F – Skate ski lesson #3! Why can’t I fully weight my left ski! Why am I guarded with significant trust issues?? #workinprogress

Volunteered with OAS in the afternoon!

Sa – 6 mile road SOS workout 55:01 with 4 miles at marathon pace 8:45 [8:45; 8:44; 8:42; 8:37]

Lead climb @ Bend Rock Gym

Sports massage @ []

Su: 5 mile trail easy run with my beloved in Shevlin. No watch, no problems. Just a sunny day wearing lots of layers up top and shorts because it is still February.

21 total run miles

Meditated 7 out of 7 days!


running secrets nobody tells you – part one

image: BuzzFeed

I’ve been running for a long time; I’ve been reading Runner’s World almost as long (officially since 8th grade – see also: a million years ago). I’ve been a scientist for about half that time. Also, often when I’m running, I think about running. These variables add up to an obsessive and enthusiastic exploration of all things running. What I’ve been thinking about a lot lately are a bunch of little tips and facts that may not be known to new runners, or folks taking up the activity after a break. Running secrets nobody tells you because we’re all trying to look like we know what we’re doing. Herewith, part one in a two-part series. Today we’ll talk about some of the general facts about running that are helpful to remember. In part two we’ll discuss some technical tips that are not necessarily intuitive and can really help you feel great for most of your runs.

Fact #1: Nobody knows what they’re doing. I mean, obviously some people have trainers, some are elite runners, some are running geeks (guilty as charged), but this sweet game is an unpredictable ride. Sometimes you do everything right and you still get injured and sometimes you stop loving it and sometimes you have too many other things to do with your life. You can be the best trained and most genetically gifted runner and still have a terrible day. Or a terrible few years. Everyone is just trying to figure out what works for them. You are no different in that regard than Desiree Linden or Jim Walmsley. So you already have something in common with professional runners! Yay you!!

Fact #2: Most everyone thinks everyone else is faster than they are. FONBFE (Fear Of Not Being Fast Enough) is a real and crippling condition. It keeps people from trying a running event or joining a training group. Of course, there are some super speedies out there, and they are glorious. News flash: a lot of those same people are also friendly and supportive of runners who are slower than they are. In general, the running community is a fabulous, welcoming tribe. We have to be, because Americans are way more interested in football. We’re the only ones who care about our sport.

Fact #3: The first 10-20 minutes of all/most runs suck. It takes the average runner awhile to get warmed up and for your body to remember that you know how to do this. If you feel like you’re going too slow during the first mile…slow down. I wish someone would have told me this during my first 15 years of running, because I always started out too fast and I battled side stitches constantly. It’s ok and totally normal to feel like a zombie at the start of a run; 95% of your runs, you’ll feel better soon. Just hang in there.

Fact #4: It’s OK to walk! Walking does not make you less of a runner. No running police officer is going to ride up (or I guess sprint up) and issue a citation and take away your running license if they see you walking. People driving by who see you walking will either 1) not even notice or be like 2) wow those are some fly tights. Run/walk intervals are a well-known method to gradually increase your endurance and lower your risk of injury (more on this in Part Two).

Fact #5: The hardest part of becoming a runner is working up to 5K (3.1 miles) distance. Also hard, figuring out how far kilometers are because you’re an American. But you’ll get there. Once you’ve built up to 3 miles, the world is yours. It’s way easier to go from 5 miles to 13.1 (half marathon) than it is to go from zero miles to 3 miles. There’s something about building up to that 20-40 minute time frame that is intimidating physically and mentally, and your body is going to hear the sweet siren song of the couch. But you got this. Take a walk break, crack a smile, and remember that you belong here. Nice work!

image: PopMatters

Fact #6: SLOW DOWN. It bears repeating. There are multiple physiological benefits (more on this in Part Two) to slow, easy runs, not to mention the psychological benefit of not hating every step because you can’t breath. If you’re starting out, starting back up, on a run that doesn’t have a specific training focus, or just having a bad day, take a chill pill and decrease your pace. Think you hate running? I’ll bet you a pint it’s because you run too fast for most of your runs. Try slowing down. Still hate running? Go for a run with me and I’ll babble and try to get you to laugh and distract you. Still hate running? Fine, then the IPA is on me. But good on you for trying!