Training Log

04.19.20 training log

Nothing motivates better coming off an easy week than an inspiring biography…
Especially with quotes like this…

M – Recharge strength class livestreamed in our garage. Nice to have a spouse that hauls a bunch of weights down from our home gym once a week so we can keep up our training. And nice to have Renee Metivier encouraging and challenging us remotely!!

Tu – 6 mile easy road run around the neighborhood at 10:12 mile pace. Starting to feel a little like a steeplechaser with all the social distancing darting around required to run safely and be a good citizen.


Th – Shitty easy trail run. 11:25 mile pace felt like I had an elephant on my back and a vise around my heart. I hardly ever have a truly bad run, the kind where you question if somehow in the time since your last run you have lost every ounce of work you’ve ever put in to this activity and something has gone irreparably wrong, but this was definitely one of those runs. Meh.

F – 9 mile SOS road run w/7 miles at marathon pace (8:45), although I averaged 8:36 (8:36, 8:37, 8:38, 8:33, 8:38, 8:39, 8:31). Yep, less than 24 hours after a run that made me question my life choices, I had a glorious tempo workout that made me happy to be alive. Life, what can you do?

Sa – 12 mile easy trail/road combo run with my beloved, 11:34 mile pace. Tried a couple new trails in the Shevlin Park system. + 30 minutes of mobility and core work.

Su – 7 mile SOS general aerobic w/10 x 10 second hill repeats and 10 x 100m repeats (my pace varied much more than normal on these, 5:45-6:30 mile pace) – probably a little tired and a lot allergic. + 1 hour walk through Shevlin Park with Meagan.

Total running miles: 40

Meditated 7 out of 7 days (funny story, I think I also fell asleep during 7 out of 7 of these meditation sessions. Putting in the work as best I can at the moment)