Training Log

09.27.20 training log

Emma Coburn’s Virtual Elk Run 5K!!!
(I may have done it for the hat LOL)

M- PT strength exercises

T – 3 miles easy road. 9:45 pace + climbing

W & Th – REST

F – 4.5 miles trail! Yeah, back on dirt where my soul sings + PT strength exercises

Sa – Emma Coburn’s Virtual Elk Run 5K – laps around my block for 28:25. This is I think (?) my fourth virtual race this year; it’s becoming tough to keep track of anything during these wild and unusual times. Pace was a solid 75 seconds per mile slower than I’d like to do, but I’m trying really really really hard to accept my training each day for where it is, and find the patience to slowly work up my endurance without much focus on pace.
Su – 7 mile hike on the lesser known side of Tumalo Falls, 2:15 time on feet + PT strength exercises

Meditated most days. This will be a practice I follow my entire life, but for some reason the last few weeks I’ve needed to give myself permission to take a few days off each week. Trying to keep up a meditation streak has felt like one more thing that must be done instead of a healing, positive force in my life. The only thing I don’t love about my meditation app is that it keeps track of your “streak” – which feels very UN-meditation-like. I do, however, love that it keeps track of your total time meditating – I recently topped 4000 minutes – that feels like something more worth celebrating.