Training Log

04.12.20 training log

It was an easy running week, trying to remember to sandwich some chill time in before I start the official training for the Chicago Marathon on June 8. I actually have to write reminders in my planner to chill. And sometimes even with that it takes significant effort to NOT employ significant effort. Sigh.


Tu – 5 easy trail miles @ 10:36 mile pace on the Cascade Highlands Trail. Sunny.

W – 5 mile SOS Lactate Threshold run, with 4 miles at ~8:11 mile pace (8:07, 8:11, 8:10, 8:14). Seasonal allergies got me gasping, especially that last LT mile. Trying to frame that within the perspective of gratitude that it’s allergies and not COVID-19.


F- 12 mile trail long run easy pace (11:46 mile average). Shevlin Loop – Mrazec on a hot, sunny, achingly beautiful day. I could smell the warm pine, see the bluest sky, and had lovely orange butterflies flitting around me like a Disney princess. I originally planned on running 10 miles but it was just too wonderful to stop early.

Sa – 3 mile easy road run, with frequent stops to sneak in some strength (walking lunges, box jumps, walking squats, calf raises)


Total Run Miles: 25

Meditated 6 out of 7 days