Training Log

december 2020 training log

Mt Bachelor…ski ski ski…repeat

December marked my official focus change from all the running to all the skiing. This is my fourth year as a downhill skier, something I never thought I was capable of doing and have been surprised and even overjoyed to learn that I can! And it’s another way to be outside a ton of time in the winter in a magical wintry environment!! The 19/20 resort season was cut brutally short in March with pandemic-related closures, so this year I am making the most of every trip up the mountain. I want to develop as a strong intermediate skier and start venturing off the groomers with more confidence.

With the exception of one week deliberately taken off, I have been diligent with my PT strength exercises, and am transitioning into a maintenance mode, which means 45-60 minutes 3x a week of intense gluteal and hamstring strength work. I want to be running when I’m 80, so now is the time to put in the work and invest in my running future with lots of targeted weight work.

Oh, and I’ve gone on a couple runs, obvi. Not a whole lot though – wanted to take a little breather and a few more rest days this month.